Introduction Post - Who is Out There?
A casual way to get to know other members of the Iterate Community
Since the beginning of this publication, I've had some amazing email exchanges with many of you. I've gotten to know a bit about who you are, where you're located, and what kinds of things you're iterating on in your own lives.
But I thought it would be a good idea to get collect some of these introductions here in one place. A place that we can revisit regularly to connect with new members of the community.
Please comment on this thread to share who you are, where you're located, and what you are currently iterating on. And please include links to your personal website, writing, or creative projects if you have them!
I’ll go first, my name is Chris Jennings and I’m the creator of this publication. I’m a native of New York’s Hudson Valley but have been living in The Bay Area of California for the past 15 years. My “day job” is in the world of influencer marketing where I help creators make a living doing what they love.
My passion projects include Iterate (what you’re reading right now!) leading deep-focus work sessions at and coaching knowledge workers on how to build positive habits (primarily using technology) that help them lead the productive, mindful, and less-stressed out lives they’re searching for.
What am I iterating on right now? Well I’m obviously tinkering with this platform to create content that truly helps and inspires stressed-out knowledge workers. I’ve recently revisited B.J. Fogg’s fantastic Tiny Habits book in order to hardwire some small habits in my daily routine. These include mundane tasks like instantly putting away clothes and wiping down kitchen counters after cooking big meals. But I’m also striving toward bigger goals like placing in my age group in local running races and instilling healthy habits in my young daughter.
Your turn: Introduce yourself and share something you’re iterating on. You can respond to the email or click through to leave a comment on the post.You’ll be surprised how satisfying it can be to just put some of these ideas to the keyboard. And you may just find a like-minded member of the community to connect with.
Thank you!
Hi Chris,
My name is Jim Hamilton. I spent many years in the Bay Area, back in the seventies and eighties, evolving computer technology.
I'm now a 76 year old man, living in a small Tennessee town, maintaining a daily Joomla blog.
I happened upon your work through The Sample, and I liked your writing. Here's a couple links to my world:
Woohoo! Thanks for doing this, Chris!
I'm Punit, from Mumbai, India. I write Hello Universe ( There, I publish one fun, thought-provoking poem every Tuesday to 200+ subscribers. I'm already 66 weeks in, and super excited with this project for the creativity it lets me express. It's almost like a mini diary of my observations and experiences and feels personal yet universal at the same time.
What I'm iterating on - my career. I've been working for 7 years now, and been on a decent path of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. However in the past few months I've started paying more attention to the metrics I'm using to define the success of my career and thinking deeply about how to reorient my point of view. This has led me to think about what keeps up my happiness and motivation levels, and trying to optimize more for those factors. It's been a fun ride so far to work on this.
Your newsletter and your thoughts are a massive inspiration. Keep it up!