Iterate 2022 Review
How did the past year go, and what can I iterate on in 2023?
The year is coming to an end and I always like to conduct an annual review to see how things are going for me.
I thought it would be wise to do a proper review of everything that I've done on this publication in 2022. And what lies ahead for Iterate? Did I learn anything this year that may shape what I do in 2023?
What went well
I managed to consistently put out content twice per week! The Tuesday/Saturday cadence has really worked well for me. Some weeks it can feel like a challenge, but it's never too much. I'm proud that I haven't missed any of my self-imposed deadlines each week. We're nearly to Issue 100 of the Tuesday weekly roundup. I think that the 100th issue should be cause for celebration, but it also just feels like a natural part of my week at this point and I can't imagine not doing it.
The Saturday posts have also become a wonderful place for me to go deeper on a topic each week. The topics have intentionally been pretty loose. Some weeks I feel like ranting, other weeks I prefer humor or nostalgia. It's a nice balance to have the predictable format on Tuesday along with more of a wildcard on Saturday.
I really like posting polls in each post when it seems appropriate. I've seen some nice feedback on the types of stories and topics that seem to resonate more than others. As always, quick poll responses are super helpful and I'm extremely grateful for any feedback you can provide.
What could be better?
While I like the flexibility of the Saturday posts, I do feel like I can do a better job of streamlining things to deliver more consistent value to readers. Do you enjoy funny, more entertaining pieces? Or do you just want me to give you tips on how to use technology more mindfully? Both options are appealing to me, in an ideal world I'd do both.
We've steadily been growing the community here and reader numbers have been on an upward trajectory. There hasn't been a huge spike, but that's ok. I think we've seen a core group of devoted readers form. Plenty of folks have come and gone throughout the year, but I'm still pleased with the numbers.
I can do a better job of soliciting more engagement with the community. I appreciate the comments that do come in for each piece of content, but I'd love even more of them. Dedicated discussion threads would make sense too in addition to more of the polls that I've been posting.
What's in store for 2023?
I have plenty of ideas, but we'll see which ones come to fruition. I've been impressed with the bevy of new features that Substack has added. They've really pushed the company to be a comprehensive community platform rather than just a blog or newsletter service.
I'm eager to test out some of the chat and messaging features for subscribers. I think there is a great opportunity to get more 1-on-1 time with those of you who have been reading my work for a while. You've seen me casually mention it in the footers of emails but I am looking to do more coaching in 2023. There are some potential new opportunities coming with the relaunched platform that I'm excited about. And as implement new coaching topics and formats, you'll be the first to hear about them.
Right now I'm also shooting for some new forms of content coming by April 2023 to mark two years of consistent Iterate content. The 100th weekly issue milestone is big, but I'm also excited to celebrate the proper two-year anniversary of my start on Substack. This will likely involve some audio and video clips along with hopefully regular live check-ins. As someone with a lot of experience in live production and online video, it only seems right to contribute more of that in addition to all of the writing that's already coming out each week.
So this may not be the sexiest update, but it seems appropriate as we come down to the end of the year to give you all a heads up on what's coming and what I've learned this past year.
I truly hope that my writing has provided some insight, humor, education, or just distraction from the real world for at least a few minutes for you this year. I’m really optimistic that 2023 is going to be an even bigger year for me and my writing and other content creation. Thank you again for being here and reading what I have to say. Hope you all have an amazing New Year and we’ll connect again in 2023!
Thanks for reading, I’ll see you next week!
P.S. - Hey, the new year is here! Could you use some help reviewing what worked for you this year and what could be better for 2023? Need some help building positive habits or ditching negative ones? Iterating on a new business idea and need some guidance? Or maybe you just want to say hello and pick my brain for a bit, that’s fine too! If you’d like to chat, feel free to book some time with me here!