We all seem to make such a big deal about New Year’s Resolutions.
Is January 1st (or for many people the 2nd) really such a magical day? No, it’s definitely not. It’s really just another day on the calendar. But our society has turned it into THE day for self-improvement and positive habits.
Well, I’m here to offer a new day to evaluate your resolutions, habits, and goals. How about July 1st?
It’s (pretty much) exactly halfway through the year. It’s a nice powerful number 1 that looks almost like January 1st if you squint. And conveniently for me, it’s also my birthday!
The other advantage for Americans is that it falls just a few days before our Independence Day holiday. Sure, people go on vacations and have barbeques, but it’s also the perfect time to reflect on how your first half of the year went!
Maybe you’ve actually held onto some of those resolutions from January 1st, but I imagine many of you are starting fresh with new goals and motivations for the second half of the year. And with the holiday, maybe you don’t want to commit to any major habit changes until the 5th or 6th, that’s ok too.
I’m just a big believer in reflection over the last week of the year (the Christmas-New Year holiday) and the first week of July (my birthday-Independence Day-my wedding anniversary).
As I celebrate this week, I encourage you to think about all of the things you’ve iterated on since January 1st. Are you closer to some lofty goals? Have you established habits that have had a positive impact on your life?
What can you do to make the second half of the year even better?
Thanks for reading, I’ll see you next week!
P.S. - Are you looking for a coach? I’m looking to work with some potential new clients and would love to help you out. Click here for more info!