As a writing process expert, I'm always intrigued by what works for others. Anytime you want to chat writing process, Chris, let me know!

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Thanks Lee! Yeah, the freeform writing of 750words each morning seems to open up my brain to better writing later in the day. I think it helps my creative process and just puts me in a better mood, I love it.

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I have used 750words sporadically for over a decade and not until I joined some friends in a challenge to find a way to write every day for 100 days did I actually succeed in starting a streak that lasted a whole month. I am now getting dangerously close to 200 days and the answer has been focusing harder on the "every day" part than the "never missing a single day" part. it turns out the advice to not let the pursuit of perfect destroy the good was always the best advice for me but my perfectionism wouldn't let me hear it.

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Thanks for sharing Ash! Yeah, I agree with you about the stress of "never missing a single day". I'm pretty good about never missing a weekday. But there are certainly weekends/holidays when I want to disconnect and don't feel the need to write. I understand the value of streaks and I can see why they'd design the product with the streak indicator right at the top to keep you on track. I just wish it let us define our own streaks. Like if I want to have a streak of 30 straight weekdays or 25 straight weeks of writing twice per week, etc.

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Looks interesting. I will check it out!

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It's really been a great resource for me. I think you'll love it. Thanks for reading Paul!

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Thanks for sharing Chris. I'm going to check out 750 words right now.

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Excellent, let me know how you like it!

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As it turned out, I’d used it before and found a heap of writing (15k words) that I’d forgotten about. So thank you.

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Oh amazing! Yeah, I had actually used it for a bit back in its early days and didn't keep up with it. They've made some nice improvements on version 2.0, it's worth giving it another try!

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